A daring mix of inspiration + business advice to help you design your most authentic, creative self.

The DesignYou Podcast

The end of summer is a time for reinvention, so for today’s episode, we’re revisiting an important conversation about what it looks like to
How do you present yourself to the world through your business? Storytelling is one of the most powerful ways you can communicate your value
Today, I’m joined by a member of my Online Course Incubator program, Alisa Berry. Alisa has just created a course that is selling like
We’re fresh off the back of our four-part series about the potential end of the interior design industry, and I have the perfect interview
If you’ve been wanting to hear about my new venture with my daughter, you’re in luck because today’s episode is all about Fairley Fancy
Welcome back to part three of my series discussing whether this is really the end for interior design as we know it. When I
This week, I’m interrupting my solo series around how the interior design industry is changing and bringing you a wonderful conversation I had with
Last week, in the first episode of my series about interior design and the question of whether it’s really the end this time, we
Launching my e-commerce store with my daughter has really got me thinking about the interior design industry and revenue streams. So today, I’m bringing

Hi! I'm Tobi

I help creative women (and a few really progressive dudes) design profit-generating, soul-fulfilling businesses that let them own their schedule, upgrade their life and feel more alive than ever!

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