A daring mix of inspiration + business advice to help you design your most authentic, creative self.

The DesignYou Podcast

Don’t let overwhelm follow you into 2024. Tune in to discover a practical exercise for deciding what you want to start doing, stop doing,
I’m speaking to Amber Guyton, the founder of Blessed Little Bungalow. She started BLB as a blog and creative outlet in 2016 before turning
Desi Creswell helps interior designers build thriving business without stress and overwhelm. She’s a Master Certified life and business coach. Desi worked in commercial
In light of my Show Up on Social Media Like a Pro workshop that’s happening right now, I thought it was the perfect time
Last week, we discussed the heavy topic of the economy, how it’s changing the design industry, and what that means for your business. In
We’ve spoken before about how the design industry is changing and evolving. But beyond that, the economy as a whole is presenting new challenges,
I love the transition we experience during fall, but transitions in our lives and businesses aren’t always as pretty. I’m currently in the transition
We’re still on our topic of online courses, and today I have a very special guest. She’s created a course about a taboo topic
As designers and creatives moving through a changing world, we’re always looking for what’s next in our business. This week, I’m joined by four

Hi! I'm Tobi

I help creative women (and a few really progressive dudes) design profit-generating, soul-fulfilling businesses that let them own their schedule, upgrade their life and feel more alive than ever!

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