Why You Need a Lead Magnet

Learn how to create a valuable lead magnet for your creative business that will grow your email list.

Hey there Creative Entrepreneur, So, what the heck is a lead magnet?! Maybe you’ve heard the terms “content upgrade” or “content marketing” before. Today a lead magnet has to be valuable, mainly because there’s so much competition out there with content. There’s a reason why you want to spend your valuable time on creating a […]

How to Create More Self Confidence

Learn how to create more confidence and make more money.

How’s it going, friend? Do you ever struggle with self-confidence? Well, you’re not alone. Feeling confident is something so many people really struggle with. Wanna know the secret to feeling more self-assured? Confidence is not something you’re born with, it’s something you create! This is great news because it means you have the ability to […]

How to Set Financial Goals

Learn how to set financial goals as a creative entrepreneur and interior designer so you can make the money you want to.

Hey Creative, If you want to make more money than you’re making right now, then you have to start setting financial goals. Goals are what help you get the results you’re looking for. But as creatives, so many of us don’t have goals when it comes to our money! Even if you have a financial […]

Why Making 6 Figures as a Creative is Easier Than You Think

Learn how you can make six figures as a creative by following these clear and simple steps to meet your financial goals.

What’s new, creative? Today I have something special for you. Do you know how much money you want to make in your business? For most people, making 6 figures is the goal. It took me years to get to six figures and I wish I knew then, what I know now. Because there’s a few […]

Building a Website that Converts

Learn how you can set up a website that will capture new leads and grow your email list.

Hey there! Do you know the point of your website? Is it to show off all your beautiful work?! Well, that’s something most people think is true—and while showing off your experience is a part of your website, it’s not the main purpose. Your website is a business tool aimed at converting new clients. And […]

Why Business Development is a Long Game

Learn how you can create a system in your business that will help you to have consistent cash flow and connect with new clients, even when you’re busy.

Hey there Creative Entrepreneur, Ok here’s a scenario I know you can probably relate with. You’re going along with your week, everything seems to be great, you’re busy and working a lot—and then all the sudden, you need some money stat because there’s a bill you need to pay or you need to make payroll? […]

How to Get Unstuck

Learn how you can figure out exactly where and why you are stuck—and how to get unstuck and move forward so you can make more money.

Hello friend, Do you ever feel stuck? Like you can’t move forward, or even backwards—and you’re just stuck where you are? I’ve been there too. There’s always a point in our businesses and our lives when we’re going to feel stuck. We have times of growth and times when things feel stagnant. For me, one […]

Give Your Audience the Value They Really Want

Learn how to offer value to your future—and create offerings and content they’re willing to pay you money for.

Friend, I have got something for you! If you’re like me, you have LOTS of great ideas. Maybe you want to offer a new course, a one-on-one service, a subscription box, or whatever cool thing has you excited at the moment. And then you create it and put it out into the world…and no one […]

Are You a Drama Queen?

Learn how you can truly become drama-free and have a more calm, cool and collected attitude when it comes to your life and your business.

OK I’m getting real with you this week… I hate drama and I bet you do too! For years, I would pride myself on the fact that I was anti-drama, with a very “just say no to drama” attitude. Just because I wasn’t getting into spats with other people, didn’t mean I was totally drama […]

How to Achieve Financial Freedom

Learn exactly what steps you need to take next to achieve financial freedom as an interior designer and creative entrepreneur.

Hey there! Let’s be honest, as creatives, we’re often so resistant to digging into the numbers side of our business. To be totally transparent, I have an accounting degree, an interior design degree and an MBA—and I don’t do my own accounting! I hate to admit this, but for the first few years of my […]

Banishing Excuses

Excuses are just thoughts that will derail us every single time. But you have to become aware of your thinking in order to do it.

What’s new, creative? Today I have something special for you. When I look back at my business, there are so many things I started up and then ended up abandoning, due to a long list of excuses I used at the time. I had a retail store, inbox interiors, and so many different initiatives in […]

Why You Are the Solution to Your Client’s Problems

My guide on how to identify what you are uniquely suited to do and how you are the solution to your client’s problems

I’ve got something that you’re going to LOVE! A few years ago, I started looking at my business in a really deep way. As I looked through my online presence (my website and social media accounts), I realized that my customer couldn’t really tell what made me different. I had lots of pretty pictures, but […]

Hi! I'm Tobi

I help creative women (and a few really progressive dudes) design profit-generating, soul-fulfilling businesses that let them own their schedule, upgrade their life and feel more alive than ever!

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