Business, Videos

How to Achieve Financial Freedom

Hey there!

Let’s be honest, as creatives, we’re often so resistant to digging into the numbers side of our business. To be totally transparent, I have an accounting degree, an interior design degree and an MBA—and I don’t do my own accounting!

I hate to admit this, but for the first few years of my business, I didn’t have my finances in order. And I was having trouble getting to financial freedom and even making 6 figures. I realized I was never going to get the financial freedom I want if I didn’t have the basics in place.

The first step to financial freedom is awareness, and that means knowing your numbers.

Today I want to show you how exactly what steps you need to take next to achieve financial freedom:

What You’ll Learn:

• Why you must take control of your finances (even if you resist it!)
• The first step you need to take
• How to make real money with your ideas
• The biggest mistake you’re making that’s costing you lots of money

So, tell me, what do you struggle with when it comes to your finances? Let me know in the comments below. And if you want more guidance on getting your money in order, I walk you through exactly how I did it in my DesignYou membership program. Join me here!

Focusing on your money might not be something you’re into, you might find it boring or scary, but you’ve got to make understanding your finances a priority if you want to start making more money!





Hi! I'm Tobi


I help creative women (and a few really progressive dudes) design profit-generating, soul-fulfilling businesses that let them own their schedule, upgrade their life and feel more alive than ever!

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Hi! I'm Tobi

I help creative women (and a few really progressive dudes) design profit-generating, soul-fulfilling businesses that let them own their schedule, upgrade their life and feel more alive than ever!

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