
How to Change Your Thoughts When You’re Skeptical

For me, mindset is everything. Many years ago, I started to see how changing my thoughts improved everything in my life—from my business to my health to my relationships. I even went on to become a certified life coach—that’s how much I believe in the power of our minds to create change in our lives!

Our thoughts determine what we see…in other words, our truth. And you can’t always change YOUR truth in one step or in one try.

When you think, “I don’t know how” or “I’ll never lose weight” you may need to shift to “I’m learning how” or “I’m taking steps to feel healthy.” One of the key tools I use in shifting my mindset is what I call The Model. I use this framework to help me shift my mindset constantly.

But one thing I’ve seen come up, time and time again, is people saying: But Tobi, I can’t just switch from thinking this thought to something completely different! I’m skeptical and I don’t really fully believe the new thought yet…

So, how do you change your thoughts when you don’t actually believe the new, more positive thought? What if you’re skeptical and have doubts?

When we’re trying to move out of negative thoughts and into positive thinking, sometimes we need to use bridge thoughts to get there.

The truth is sometimes you can’t go from a very negative thought to a perfectly positive thought in one step. Sometimes you need a bridge thought (or several) to get you there. A bridge thought is a new thought that’s one step closer to your end goal, but it allows you time to transition to fully believing the new thought.

I understand that it’s not always as easy as just picking a new thought or belief to shift your mindset. Some of these old beliefs are so automatic for us because we’ve been reinforcing them for years!

Rarely can we go from “I’ll always be broke” to “I am a money magnet! Money can’t stay away from me!”

And that’s where the very helpful “bridge thought” comes in to play.

A bridge thought or a series of them can look something like this…

I will always be broke.
I am broke now, but that could change.
I have the ability to change my financial position.
My thoughts about money equal my results, and I am thinking positive money thoughts.
My value creates money, and I am capable of creating value every day.
I am a value-creating machine and I have created it every day this week.
I am a money creating machine and my bank account now has money to prove it!
I am a money magnet, money can’t stay away from me.

Yes, it can take that many steps. And these steps could happen in a few days or they may take weeks or months to transition through. The key is not just saying these words but actually thinking and believing them.

Because remember, lasting change happens not at the action level but at the belief level.

When we’re trying to move out of negative thoughts and into positive thinking, sometimes we need to use bridge thoughts to get there.

Another example of a bridge thought might be: “I am learning that if I just exercise while I watch Netflix, even when I don’t want to, I can get closer to my weight goals.” Bridge thoughts typically can begin with “I’m learning to” or “I’m starting to.” And over time, your “I’m learning/starting to” thoughts will become “I will” or “I do” thoughts.

It is truly as simple as that. Selecting our thoughts on purpose.

How fast you progress depends on one thing, how often you are writing down your thoughts, using The Model to shift them, and then practicing the new thoughts that serve you better.

Stay positive about this process. Even baby steps with your thoughts can make a huge difference in your results. Beating yourself up or getting down on yourself, definitely won’t speed up the process.

You took years to create the old thoughts and habits, so you can’t undo them in an instant. Be kind to yourself, it will pay off in a big way!

If you want to go deeper into mastering your mindset, I created this free downloadable workbook with the FIVE steps I always follow to manage my mindset, specifically to increase my profits. Once I started following these steps, I saw my income double in less than a year! Get your free 5 Steps to Maximizing Profit By Managing Your Mindset guide now!

I hope this is helpful for you! Leave me a comment below and let me know what thought you’re struggling with—and what the bridge thought you’re going to choose is!





Hi! I'm Tobi


I help creative women (and a few really progressive dudes) design profit-generating, soul-fulfilling businesses that let them own their schedule, upgrade their life and feel more alive than ever!

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Hi! I'm Tobi

I help creative women (and a few really progressive dudes) design profit-generating, soul-fulfilling businesses that let them own their schedule, upgrade their life and feel more alive than ever!

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