I’m in Fast Company!

Y’all, this is so exciting! I was published in Fast Company! This is truly such an honor to me as this publication is one of my go-to resources for entrepreneur tips. So to be able to offer my tips on time management was a huge win for me. I wrote an article all about how […]
Is Your Health Impacting Your Productivity?

Hi friend, Are your unhealthy habits at home taking a toll on your productivity at work? I get it – we can’t control everything that’s happening in our lives ALL the time. It’s so easy to let bad habits creep in. I’m living with a teenager right now so I’m lucky if I get to […]
4 Ways to Create More Time in Your Schedule

I’ve got something that you’re going to LOVE! Do you have enough time in your day? Are you able to get everything on your list done AND put your feet up and relax? I know I haven’t always been able to… A few years ago, I had a major meltdown when it came to time. […]