3 Reasons Why Your Schedule is the Key to Work-Life Balance

schedule tobi fairley

Hey there Creative Entrepreneur, Does the thought of having a highly structured schedule make you cringe? As a creative, I know you can relate to this feeling. For so many years, I hated the idea of being tied down to a schedule. I even had an employee once say she’d plan it all out for […]

How to Charge What You’re Worth

charge what you are worth tobi fairley

Hello friend, Are you still charging way less than you should be? So many of us do this—I know I used to! It wasn’t until I hired a coach to help me that I finally started valuing myself. Today I want to share with you how to charge what you’re worth. Let me be the […]

What It Means to Show Up for Yourself

show up for yourself tobi fairley

Hello there! How many times do you start a new year with the exact same goals you had the year before? It happens a lot and today I want to tell you why this happens—and even better, how to change this pattern. Here’s the thing: we often don’t show up for ourselves. We show up […]

My #1 Secret to Goal Setting

goal setting tobi fairley

Hey there Creative Entrepreneur, I’m very excited to unveil something very special I’ve created for all of you this year…I’d like to introduce you to my *new* video series. Each week, I’ll be covering a new topic to help you design the life of balance you deserve. I hope you enjoy these videos as much […]

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