Business, Videos

My #1 Secret to Goal Setting

Hey there Creative Entrepreneur,

I’m very excited to unveil something very special I’ve created for all of you this year…I’d like to introduce you to my *new* video series. Each week, I’ll be covering a new topic to help you design the life of balance you deserve. I hope you enjoy these videos as much as I loved creating them!

Today, I thought there’d be no better way to kick things off than to start with one of my favorite topics. I want to talk to you about Goal Setting. Over the past few years, I’ve changed the way I set goals—and I’ve seen my results skyrocket! I want you to experience this too.

So, I used to be a the kind of major over-achiever who set not a few, but dozens of goals for myself every year. I’m guessing you can probably relate!

Do you ever set way too many goals—more than you could even achieve in a year?

I hear you and I was there. Here’s the issue of approaching goals this way: it left me feeling frustrated. I’d get to the end of the year and would only have achieved about half of my goals. I was never able to fully cross things off my list. Even though I was still totally successful, I felt like I wasn’t living up to the expectations I was setting for myself.

That’s when I realized something had to change. If my problem is trying to tackle too much at one time and having way too many goals—how do I fix this?

I tell you ALL about my solution—and how my results skyrocketed after I made this one shift. Take a few minutes and watch this video—I promise it’ll help you with setting your goals! And may even help you achieve what you really want in your life.

If you want to learn how to absolutely skyrocket your results like I did, I highly recommend that you watch this video and start implementing this practice today!

What You’ll Learn:

  • The ONE thing you need to do when it comes to setting goals
  • How taking this one action will give you the biggest RESULTS yet
  • Exactly how to deal with any obstacles in your way
  • The actionable next step you must take to see your goals actually happen
  • I also have a Goal Setting Guide that you can download to help get you started! Click here or on the image below to download.

So, What is your ONE thing? Your health? Your business? Your home? Self-Care? Figure out which one is the most important to you. And if you want even more support from me, listen to this podcast episode, One Key Goal at a Time. And this is exactly what I do with clients in DesignYou—I help them dig in and find that one thing that will really make the difference.

Pick that ONE goal and get to work!


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Hi! I'm Tobi


I help creative women (and a few really progressive dudes) design profit-generating, soul-fulfilling businesses that let them own their schedule, upgrade their life and feel more alive than ever!

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Hi! I'm Tobi

I help creative women (and a few really progressive dudes) design profit-generating, soul-fulfilling businesses that let them own their schedule, upgrade their life and feel more alive than ever!

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