Have you noticed that we go through life and business believing that the goal is to have zero problems and feel zero negative emotions? I suspect you may not have realized, but if you stop and think about it, you’ll probably see, at some level, you’re believing that it’s possible to arrive at a place of zero problems, or at least very few problems.
Well, I’m here to burst your bubble. It isn’t possible. There will always be problems and negative emotions. We can’t escape them, or get “good enough” to outrun them, and we can’t anticipate or solve every problem ahead of time. Problems are part of life, so instead of being frustrated when they arrive or believing they shouldn’t be happening, I’m giving you something new to try instead.
Tune in this week to discover a better goal to have than zero problems and no negative emotions. I’m discussing why it’s more helpful to believe that every problem has something you can work with, and how to see the steps you can take when a problem does arise instead of wishing you didn’t have it.
If you want to become great at managing your mindset and processing your emotions so you can create more success in your life and business, check out my free five-part mini-course: Success Week.