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The Designer’s Mind Blog


Today the 100th episode of my podcast is out! I can’t really believe I’ve done almost two years of episodes, every single week. Talk
I’ve been making a BIG shift in my life. I’m moving from self-care to self-love. What’s the difference? Let me explain… I don’t know
For me, mindset is everything. Many years ago, I started to see how changing my thoughts improved everything in my life—from my business to
Y’all, this is so exciting! I was published in Fast Company! This is truly such an honor to me as this publication is one
OK I’m getting real with you this week… There’s lots of talk these days about morning routines…some people swear by them, while others can’t
I’ve got something that you’re going to LOVE! I’m so excited to share some big news with you — I’m featured in Forbes! The
Hi friend, Are your unhealthy habits at home taking a toll on your productivity at work? I get it – we can’t control everything
Hey there Creative Entrepreneur, Are you thinking like a CEO or a creative? They’re not the same thing and let me tell you why…
Hey there! Do you ever find yourself thinking things like: My clients are so cheap Millennial employees have no work ethic I could never

Hi! I'm Tobi

I help creative women (and a few really progressive dudes) design profit-generating, soul-fulfilling businesses that let them own their schedule, upgrade their life and feel more alive than ever!

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