Ep #225: Who Do You Trust?

In the industries I work in and with, I have been noticing something happening that is making waves in the way we consume information and products. There is an anti-coaching, anti-sales, anti-basically everything ­sentiment. People are no longer trusting the gurus and influencers and are turning inward, trusting themselves.

So why is this happening? What leads so many of us to come back to ourselves? Well, we don’t know what information we can trust anymore, and we turn to the only thing we know to be absolutely true: ourselves.

Join me this week as I’m sharing some of the big ideas I’ve been questioning and helping you plant the seed that you absolutely can question everything before you enter into anything. Hear some of the reasons people are no longer trusting the gurus and influencers, how I started trusting myself more and why it has been so refreshing.

What You'll Learn From This Episode

  • How I have learned to trust myself more than ever.
  • Why there is never just one right way of doing something and why you get to decide for yourself how you do something.
  • How to start leaning into your intuition and trusting it.
  • Why so many people are turning inwards.
  • Some examples of how I’m seeing this show up in the world.

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Tobi, Bebe & Ellison

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Hi! I'm Tobi

I help creative women (and a few really progressive dudes) design profit-generating, soul-fulfilling businesses that let them own their schedule, upgrade their life and feel more alive than ever!

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