
Ep #24: Victims and Villains

Last week, we talked about taking responsibility for our own emotions and being an emotional adult. Make sure you check that out because we’re carrying on a little deeper today with the concept of the victim vs. villain blame game.

Friends, this topic is so fascinating to me because most of us would rather die than to consider ourselves victims, right? We would swear up and down that we absolutely are not one. But let me just throw this out there: Is there anyone you spend a lot of time thinking negative thoughts about? If you do, that’s your “villain.”

If you’re familiar with this podcast at all, you might guess that freeing yourself of your villains and living your dream life boils down to working on one thing – your thoughts.

If you’re still choosing to outsource your happiness to other people, this is going to be a little hard to swallow at first, but stick with me because changing your mindset around this is about to impact your life for the better!

What You'll Learn From This Episode

  • How you might be in victim mentality and not even know it.
  • What taking 100% responsibility for your own emotions really means.
  • How we create “villains.”
  • Why other people’s choices are not a reflection of you.
  • How to free yourself from your villains.

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Hi! I'm Tobi

I help creative women (and a few really progressive dudes) design profit-generating, soul-fulfilling businesses that let them own their schedule, upgrade their life and feel more alive than ever!

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