Is Your Health Impacting Your Productivity?
Hi friend, Are your unhealthy habits at home taking a toll on your productivity at work? I get it – we can’t control everything that’s happening in our lives ALL the time. It’s so easy to let bad habits creep in. I’m living with a teenager right now so I’m lucky if I get to […]
Think Like a CEO
Hey there Creative Entrepreneur, Are you thinking like a CEO or a creative? They’re not the same thing and let me tell you why… I talk with so many creative entrepreneurs who find themselves in business because they’re really, really good at what they do. But that doesn’t mean they’re good at running a business! […]
Thoughts Are Not Facts
Hey there! Do you ever find yourself thinking things like: My clients are so cheap Millennial employees have no work ethic I could never charge that much in my area! If you’re thinking these thoughts, I have a secret for you: they’re holding you back! The way we know whether a thought is true or […]
How to Create More Self Confidence
How’s it going, friend? Do you ever struggle with self-confidence? Well, you’re not alone. Feeling confident is something so many people really struggle with. Wanna know the secret to feeling more self-assured? Confidence is not something you’re born with, it’s something you create! This is great news because it means you have the ability to […]