Disrupting Design and Embracing Your Inner Rebel

Maybe you’ve noticed from listening to my podcast and reading my recent emails that I’m in a particularly rebellious stage of my life. Oprah said that when you turn 60, “You take no shit. None. Not a bit.” (As if we needed one more reason to love her, right?) Maybe I’m ahead of the curve, […]

Your Business Strategy: Stop Doing This One Thing

The other day during one of our live DesignYou Zoom coaching sessions (we have these weekly inside the program), one of our members wanted advice around following through on a business strategy that relied heavily on social media. “I know I NEED to be showing up on social media,” she said (and I’m paraphrasing here), […]

Living and Working Without Regrets

I want you to LOVE your life… which is why today today, we’re talking about the top five regrets of the dying. Stick with me. I guarantee this will be the most profound thing you hear today (maybe all week). You may have heard of a woman named Bronnie Ware. She’s an Australian palliative nurse […]

5 Rebellious Steps to Achieve Success

My dad has always had a huge influence on me as a business owner and CEO. He was an entrepreneur himself and I always aspired to be as successful, focused, and productive as he was. Yet try as I might and even with all the privilege I fully acknowledge that I have as a white […]

A New Definition of Success

When I started my interior design business 20+ years ago, I was hellbent on becoming “successful.”  You may be thinking, well duh… no one starts a business to be UNsuccessful, right?  But here’s the thing: Simply making enough money to support my family wasn’t enough. In order to feel truly successful — and perhaps most […]

Everything You Need to Know About Digital Marketing

As a creative entrepreneur, digital marketing is the key to your business growth. Learn the basics of what you need here.

Hey Creative! Now, more than ever, there are so many amazing opportunities to connect with consumers online and use technology in your business, especially as a creative entrepreneur. One of the best ways to reach your potential clients is through digital marketing. Implementing a digital marketing system into my business is one of the coolest […]

Hi! I'm Tobi

I help creative women (and a few really progressive dudes) design profit-generating, soul-fulfilling businesses that let them own their schedule, upgrade their life and feel more alive than ever!

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