The New Year is almost here! So, cheers and goodbye to whatever 2021 has brought, and now we can focus on what 2022 will be. With the current state of the world, there’s a lot of uncertainty on the horizon, but we’ll hope for the best. So, with a brand-new year on the horizon, we’re talking this week about doing your New Year in a new way.
For as long as I can remember, I have always had a very dialed-in year-end and New Year ritual. It’s been pretty similar over the past 10-15 years, and it always included a year-in-review blog post, a new word of the year, and some lofty goal setting. But this time, we’re switching it up.
If you usually spend this time of year thinking, “New year, new me…” you need to tune in this week because I’m showing you a new way to do New Year. I love a fresh start, but there are so many societal beliefs about this time of year that we need to question, so we’re getting clear on those and working instead to get ourselves excited for the next 12 months in a totally new way.
If you want help creating a business with thriving revenue streams so that you can design the life you really want, get on the waitlist for the next round of my Design You Coaching Program. Inside, you’ll get access to a whole new course where I share my complete design system with you. You’ll receive every template, tool, SOP, worksheet, downloadable, video, and more that I have created and used myself, and receive a complete step-by-step for how to run your full-service projects.