Hey friends.
It’s been a minute since I last blogged consistently every week. And by a minute I mean years. And yes, we’ve had posts here and there over the last few years but nothing like when I started blogging 15 years ago, when I couldn’t image not posting daily or at the least a few times a week.
Over the last 4 years, podcasting became my go-to way to connect with those of you in my audience, but with some exciting things happening in our business, I think it’s time to get back here on the blog.
And if you haven’t heard, blogs are making a come back. Mostly because we never know what changes our favorite social sites will make that impact our content delivery, so best to have a place that is all our own to talk to our friends, fans and audience on our own terms. So here goes!
Funny how in 2009, this is where so many of you found me. Long before instagram was a thing, the number of hours I spent blogging after a long day’s work in order to stay connected with you was wild. But so worth it. I have so many friends to this day that I met in the world of design blogging when it wasn’t that crowded and those of us consistently writing blogs were a relatively small group. I feel nostalgic when I think of those days. They say you never knows that you are in the good times until they have passed right? And those were the good times of blogging.
But I am optimistic that we can get back to the fun and excitement of those early blogging days. At least I am ready to give it a good college try. You with me?
So what shall we talk about in this new iteration of the blog? How about everything. I am a multi-passionate, manifesting generator with a million irons in the fire in the best way. I am currently running my coaching and consulting business for creatives including my Design You and Millionaire Mentorship programs, I am still leading my Interior Design firm and we have several fab new projects this year. I am starting an eCommerce site and small retail space with my daughter which I am especially excited about. I exited retail in 2009 about the time I started blogging originally and boy have things changed in retail since then. And I am also jumping into the short term rentals market with my mom this year. We are starting with a couple of adorable cottages that we are renovating for our first 2 rental properties. So if that isn’t enough fodder for a blog, I don’t know what is.
Although many things have certainly changed since I was last an active blogger 5-7 years ago, I feel confident that some of my favorite things about blogging are still the same, including you.
So welcome back to Tobi’s Blog. I plan to see you here at least once a week and when we have exciting things to tell you, maybe more.