Morning Routines Are for Losers: Why the 5AM Club Isn’t a Flex for Everyone

Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat: morning routines are overrated. Yep, I said it. The whole idea that if you’re not up at 5AM meditating, journaling, drinking a green smoothie, and conquering the world by 7AM, you’re destined for failure? Total nonsense.

For years, I tried to mold myself into the mythical “morning person” because apparently, that’s where success lives. I set my alarm for ungodly hours, convinced myself that if I wasn’t in the 5AM club, I wasn’t doing it right. But here’s the thing: I’m not a morning person. Never have been, never will be. And guess what? I’m still out here living my best, most successful life.

So let me tell you something—if you’ve been beating yourself up because you’re not bouncing out of bed at sunrise to seize the day, I’m here to say it’s time to stop. You don’t have to be a morning person to be successful. In fact, some of the most creative, innovative people in history were night owls, and they did just fine.

Morning People Are Not the Only Winners

Let’s get real for a second. How many times have you heard some “guru” or life coach tell you that the key to success is waking up before dawn, following some perfect morning routine, and grinding away before the world wakes up? According to them, if you’re not part of the 5AM club, you’re destined for mediocrity. And hear me on this, I am a life coach and I even believed this once upon a time. But let me ask you this: who decided that success only happens in the morning?

Sure, some people are natural morning birds, And no they aren’t losers, I was being a bit dramatic for effect, ha! Those morning glories love nothing more than sipping their coffee while the sun rises. And I love that for them. But for the rest of us? That’s just not how we’re wired. And it’s time we stop pretending that if we’re not bouncing out of bed at the crack of dawn, we’re somehow failing.

I Tried, I Failed, and Then I Woke Up to Who I Really Am

For years, I tried to force myself into the “successful” morning routine. I set alarms for times I didn’t even know existed, tried to get into that zen morning state, and all the while I felt like I was at war with my own body. Yes, I love a quiet morning to myself—when it happens naturally—but more often than not, I’m at my best when the sun goes down. I’m a night owl.

Late-night creativity stints? Now we’re talking. Some of my best ideas come to me when the world is asleep, and I’m in that quiet, magical space where it feels like anything is possible. I’m wired for nighttime, and the minute I stopped fighting that and embraced it, my productivity and creativity skyrocketed.

And let me be crystal clear: I’m not someone who can survive on 5 hours of sleep. I need rest. That’s non-negotiable for me. And all those 5AM wake-up calls? They left me sleep-deprived, cranky, and nowhere near as productive as the world of “morning routine” pushers would have you believe. Sleep matters. Rest is essential. So, if you need your 7, 8, or 9 hours—get them, unapologetically.

Routines Can Help, But They’re Not the End-All, Be-All

Now don’t get me wrong—having routines and systems in place can make life easier. I’m not here to bash all structure. There’s value in knowing what works for you and creating a rhythm that helps you navigate your day. But let’s be clear: the idea that there’s one magical routine that guarantees success is a myth that’s been sold to us by coaches who think they’ve cracked some secret code.

Here’s the truth: what works for one person may not work for you. And there’s nothing wrong with that. You don’t need to force yourself into a mold that doesn’t fit. Instead of wasting your time trying (and failing) to be something you’re not, why not lean into who you actually are? When you embrace your natural rhythms, whether that means being a night owl, needing more sleep, or working best in spurts instead of long, structured days, you’ll find that you’re more productive, more creative, and happier overall.

Lean Into Who You Are, Not Who They Say You Should Be

One of the most liberating things I’ve learned is that there’s nothing wrong with me just because I don’t fit into the “morning person” box. And there’s nothing wrong with you either if you prefer to hit your stride later in the day, or if your best ideas come to you at midnight.

In fact, did you know that a lot of creative geniuses throughout history were night owls? People like Winston Churchill, who regularly worked late into the night, and even Charles Darwin, who didn’t start his workday until mid-morning and still managed to revolutionize science. Research shows that night owls tend to have more creative bursts in the evening, and they often score higher on measures of originality and insight. So, if you’re someone who thrives when the rest of the world is winding down, lean into it. That’s your superpower.

There’s something powerful about accepting yourself as you are, instead of always feeling like you’re failing at who you’re “supposed” to be. The world loves to glorify morning people, but here’s the real deal: success isn’t about when you work, it’s about how you work. It’s about finding what fuels you, what inspires you, and what brings out your best ideas—and that can happen at any hour of the day.

You’re not a Loser if you don’t do Mornings—Do What Works for You

So, to anyone out there who’s been feeling guilty because they’re not part of the 5AM club, or who thinks they’re failing because their mornings don’t look like some perfectly curated Instagram post, I’m here to tell you: you’re doing just fine. Morning routines aren’t the secret sauce to success—finding your own rhythm is.

Whether you thrive in the morning, at night, or somewhere in between, the key is to create a routine (or lack of one) that works for you. So if that means starting your day at 10AM after a solid 8 hours of sleep and a few late-night bursts of creativity, go for it. You don’t need to be anyone else but yourself to be successful.

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