
Ep #284: How to Design Your First Course with Rebecca Tapia

The Design You Podcast Tobi Fairley | How to Design Your First Course with Rebecca Tapia

We’re still on our topic of online courses, and today I have a very special guest. She’s created a course about a taboo topic that gives her students real, tangible solutions. This is an amazing example of just how good an online course can be, and we’re diving into all of it, the behind-the-scenes, and the results this course has produced.

Rebecca Tapia is a physician-anthropologist-creative actively exploring and reframing the mental drama we have about supporting aging parents. She’s created an amazing course around her passion called Unsandwiched: 5 Steps to Managing Your Mental Drama About Aging Parents, and how she’s done it is truly inspiring.

Rebecca created an amazing course inside my Online Course Incubator, bringing her ideas and passions to a larger audience, so tune in this week to discover what that process was like. We’re discussing Rebecca’s course from conception to completion, how she weaved her uniqueness into every aspect of it, and our advice if you want to create your own course to share your gifts with the world.


My Online Course Incubator is launching again in the fall of 2023. We only have 10 spots, so click here to sign up before it’s too late!

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What You'll Learn From This Episode

  • How Rebecca first became interested in the creative industries.
  • The mental drama around aging that Rebecca addresses through her course.
  • Why Rebecca thought a course was the best way to present the transformation she has to offer.
  • The doubts Rebecca had about designing a course, and how she overcame them.
  • Why the design process is more psychological than you might think.
  • How Rebecca’s online course has opened new doors for her in the design world.
  • Rebecca’s advice to anyone considering creating their own online course.

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Hi! I'm Tobi

I help creative women (and a few really progressive dudes) design profit-generating, soul-fulfilling businesses that let them own their schedule, upgrade their life and feel more alive than ever!

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