Happy New Year friends, I hope your year is off to a great start! I’m so excited to kick off the year with a brand-new podcast series, where I’ll be spending the next four episodes redefining success. As we start this first week of January 2022, I want you to take a long, hard think about how you define success and what it looks like for you in your life.
I used to believe that real and lasting success was always just around the corner for me. It was so close, I could almost taste it, and at any moment it would kick in and I could finally relax. For so many years I didn’t know what pleasure looked like because the cultural definition of success squeezes all the pleasure out of our lives. And then I realized that something had to give.
What would happen if you, too, stopped holding up this mythical version of success and started redefining it for yourself? What would you believe success was if you stopped buying into what the rest of the world told you it should be? In the first episode of the Redefining Success series, I’m showing you how to get real intentional and honest about what success looks like for you, and challenging you to redefine it to create a life aligned with your values and desires.
If you want help creating a business with thriving revenue streams so that you can design the life you really want, get on the waitlist for the next round of my Design You Coaching Program. Inside, you’ll get access to a whole new course where I share my complete design system with you. You’ll receive every template, tool, SOP, worksheet, downloadable, video, and more that I have created and used myself, and receive a complete step-by-step for how to run your full-service projects.