I used to think that my family didn’t have any spontaneity when it came to the holidays. We did things the way they were always done, and there was never any change. But all of that changed some years ago when I was hosting for Christmas, and my daughter and I decided to shake things up.
Most of us find comfort in the familiar, even if the familiar isn’t really working. But life is short, so why be boring? A lot can happen when you change things up, so this week, I’m sharing my wish for you this holiday season and giving you the courage and permission to think and do things differently.
Join me this week as I’m sharing 8 of the most boring, problematic words that we have a habit of saying, and showing you how to step out of them in your life and business. Discover what you might be shutting yourself off from by saying these words, and how to stop being stuck in the way you’ve always done things.
If you want help creating a business with thriving revenue streams so that you can design the life you really want, get on the waitlist for the next round of my Design You Coaching Program. Inside, you’ll get access to a whole new course where I share my complete design system with you. You’ll receive every template, tool, SOP, worksheet, downloadable, video, and more that I have created and used myself, and receive a complete step-by-step for how to run your full-service projects.