There is a quote I love that says, “the way you do one thing is the way you do everything.” And this can be applied to how we spend our days; the way we spend our days is the way we live our lives. So let me ask you, is the way you spend your days a way that you would design by choice?
Becoming clear on how we are spending our time is eye-opening and brings so much clarity to why we are getting – or not getting – the results we want. I have spoken so much about time management on the podcast and there are some episodes in our vault that are so good that I’m doing something we haven’t done before on The Design You Podcast. I’m rerunning an episode to make sure y’all hear this important message about designing your days to design your life.
In this retro edition of episode 70, I’m showing you how to analyze the way you spend your days and sharing a 4-step process to help you design your days in alignment with your overall goals and priorities. I’m sharing the process I use to design my days and therefore my life, and sharing the key to feeling great and creating a life you truly want.
If you want help creating a business with thriving revenue streams so that you can design the life you really want, get on the waitlist for the next round of my Design You Coaching Program. Inside, you’ll get access to a whole new course where I share my complete design system with you. You’ll receive every template, tool, SOP, worksheet, downloadable, video, and more that I have created and used myself, and receive a complete step-by-step for how to run your full-service projects.