I love to use time markers, like New Year’s and the mid-year mark, as a check-in point to see where I am with my life and business goals; if I’m not making things happen like I want to, I can give myself a good kick-in-the-pants and if I’m rockin’ it, I can enjoy a moment of feeling really great about where I am in my life.
As I’ve practiced this thought process, I’ve realized that every time I’m not where I need to be it’s always the same culprit holding me back: I’ve been making excuses. Over the past 8 years or so, I’ve been working a plan I created to banish those excuses to free my mind up for more productive thoughts, like how to create the life that I actually want to live.
On this episode, I’m sharing my step-by-step process to move beyond being stuck in our old, less-than-ideal habits and behaviors and move towards the place we want to be in our life. Excuses are easy to find and easy to believe to be true if we’re not diligent in noticing them and working through the process of banishing them. If we can just get out of our own way, we can reach any goal we put our mind to!
Download the Banishing Excuses Worksheet here!